A downloadable book

Fine Arts major, 2009-2013

Sole scripter on 3 Shipped Titles using UE4&5, released on Steam for Windows PC. Includes one game ported to Playstation and Nintendo consoles by East Asiasoft in 2022. (Game name: Rule No. 1)


Over six years experience in Unreal Engine4&5 for video game and digital media production; includes creating, customizing, and integrating programming, visual, and audio components for single and online multiplayer games.

Development history in top-down, first person, third person, vehicle, and 2.5D platforming games, secondary skills in 2D animation, digital art, community management and rendering. Collaborations with industry artists include affiliations with Valve, Disney, Square Enix, Bungie, Dreamworks, and independent studios. Currently learning more about UE4/5 netcode.

Work Experience:

(2020 - Present)
Freelance Programmer for Walk Without Rhythm Studios

(2015 - 2020)
Co-founder, Solo Game Developer, & Graphic Designer for Zenrok Studios


Rule No. 2 (2022, Steam Retail)
(2.5D Arena FPS)
- Solo Programmer, Freelancer

Rule No. 1 (2021, Steam Retail)
(2.5D Arena FPS)
- Solo Programmer, Freelancer

Carnage Cross (2021 - Present, Steam Early Access)
(3D Car Combat, Peer2Peer Online Multiplayer)
- Solo Game Developer

Community Anthology Project (2020-, itch.io)
(Third Person, 2.5D Action Platformer)
- Original and community asset tools for UE4/5 developers

Starglades: Episode 1 Demo (2019, Itch.io)
(2.5D Platformer)
- Solo Game Developer

Wormhole City (2018, Steam Retail)
(Top-down Adventure)
- Solo Game Developer

Work Skills:

- Blueprints/some C++
- Player controller functions
- Interactive environments
- Agile in team settings
- System programming
- Anim state machines
- Dynamic materials
- UMG interactions
- P2P multiplayer
- Scripted events
- AI behavior

- Community Manager
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premiere
- Video Editing
- Tech Support

My Game Trailers:


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Impressive game dev reel. A few of those i have my eye on :)

Thanks so much Hackmanslim, hope you have a relaxing rest of the year!